Impression Mats for the Belting Industry

Impression Mats are used in the belt splicing process by manufacturers of transfer and flat power transmission belts. Other names impression mats are Compression Pads, and Embossing Pads or Mats.


Impression Pats for the Belting Industry
Are your pads wearing prematurely?
We manufacture high quality reinforced impression pads for the belting industry!

AccuPad has designed and manufactures a full line of high quality reinforced impression mats for this specific use in the belting industry. All mats can be produced in infinite sizes and many patterns following exact customer specifications. Check our Industrial Product Catalog for more examples.

Examples: Impression Mats with various custom pattern

Impression Mat with Z-PatternZ-Pattern Impression Mat with negative Pyramid Pattern
Negative Pyramid
Impression Mat with Chock Block Pattern
Chock Block Pattern
Impression Mat with logitudinal rib Pattern
Longitudinal Rib
Impression Mat with Snake Skin Pattern
Round Snake Skin Pattern
Impression Mats
Upper: Mat for treadmill belt (white),
Lower: Impression template (green) for structured belt product (grey)

Contact our mat specialists


Accupad is a member of NIBA – The Belting Association NIBA - The Belting Association

NIBA “Drive for Success” 2016 Convention

AccuPad presents the full line of Impression Mats to the Belting Industry:

NIBA 2016

AccuPad presents the Impression Pad line of products